Subjects Covered in our courses:
Your Training is presented by the only IMEXA Certified Master Nonverbal Communication Trainer in South Africa and Cyprus
You receive printed study material when you attend a course
You have the opportunity to ask all the questions you want answered
You get to complete the online & Video exams
Unlimited access (online viewing or download) of the Masters of Micro Expressions Training Videos
Your IMEXA Accredited Certification
Your First year Membership to IMEXA free
IMEXA is the International Micro Expressionist Assosiation.Visit their Website for more info:
You will also learn:
What is said or not said / What is Lying (Deception) / Why people Lie / How people Lie / Different types of Lies
/ Why it is impossible to maintain Lying / Good & Bad Liars & Lying Techniques /
Deflection / Vagueness / Projection / Shame & Guilt / Fear vs. Guilt / Human Emotions
/ Lying vs. Exaggeration / Smiles whilst lying / Know the Lie vs. Why the Lie / How to detect lies /
Paralinguistics / Baseline Behaviour / How to determine Baseline Behaviour /
Example Baseline Behaviour Questions / Mistakes and Dangers in Wrongful Interpretation /
Why mistakes are made in Interpretation.
South Africa
Please feel free to contact us and we will glady clarify any concerns and answer your questions.